About the Business
At Carman & Bevington, our Sarasota family law attorneys work to ensure that you, and your family, experience the “better” of these changing laws as opposed to the “worst.” Furthermore, although the environment has changed, our approach is unchanged. A combination of everyday hard work, open communication, and commitment to clients usually produces results that exceed your expectations.For better or worse, the American family has changed. In 2014, a Pew Research Center survey revealed that, for the first time in the country’s history, fewer than half of children lived in a “traditional” household with a married mother and father who’d never been married before and their pure biological siblings. Blended and other “nontraditional” families have special legal needs. Speaking of legal needs, to keep up with these changes, Florida family laws have changed, once again, for better or worse. Recent examples include a co-parenting law and spousal support revisions.
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