About the Business

Pierre Fauchard of France is often referred to as the "father of modern dentistry" because in 1728 he was the first to publish a scientific textbook on the techniques and practices of dentistry. Over time, trained dentists immigrated from Europe to the Americas to practice dentistry, and by 1760, America had its own native born practicing dentists. Newspapers were used at the time to advertise and promote dental services. In America from 1768 to 1770 the first application of dentistry to verify forensic cases was being pioneered; this was called forensic dentistry. With the rise of dentists, there was also the rise of new methods to improve the quality of dentistry. These new methods included the spinning wheel to rotate a drill and chairs made specifically for dental patients.

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809 S Long Dr, Raleigh, North Carolina 27518, United States, USA

Business Hours

Monday to Friday – 09:00 am to 08:00pm

Open 24

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