About the Business

Address: 45800 Promontory Rd Unit 105, Chilliwack, BC V2R 5Z5 Canada - Welcome to Burger Shack Chilliwack, your go-to destination for the most delicious and diverse burger offerings in Chilliwack. At Burger Shack Chilliwack, we pride ourselves on serving an array of mouth-watering options that cater to all tastes and preferences. Whether you're craving a classic cheeseburger, a juicy chicken burger, or a hearty beef burger, we have it all right here. Our commitment to quality and taste is evident in every bite of our burgers. When you visit us, you can indulge in the best burgers Chilliwack has to offer. From our signature burgers Chilliwack residents love, to innovative creations that push the boundaries of flavor, we ensure each burger is crafted with the finest ingredients and utmost care.

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Location & Hours

Chilliwack, British Columbia, Canada

Business Hours

Open 24

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