About the Business

Byram Jewelers are owned and operated by certified gold dealers and jewelers that have been serving the northwest New Jersey and surrounding areas for over 10 years. We have a passion for precious metals, rare coins and bills/notes and jewelry and we take great pride in our work allocating such items along with providing our customers the most fair and honest appraisals and pricing. For Byram Jewelers, it start off as a passion at a young age and now has grown into the business that it is today. We stock rare gold coins and coins made of precious metals, hard to find money notes, fine jewelry and more. We also specialize in buying and selling gold and other precious metals. We buy gold and we pay cash for gold.

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Location & Hours
Stanhope, New Jersey 07874, United States, USA
Business Hours

9:00 AM - 6:00 PM

Open 24

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