About the Business

Caster Central 42 Winter Street, Pembroke, MA 02359 USA +1-800-445-4082 CASTER, WHEEL AND MATERIAL HANDLING SOLUTIONS MANUFACTURER Caster Central is a one-stop shop for all things related to casters, wheels, and material handling. All of your needs can be met by our extensive experience and competence. You can rely on us for all of your caster, wheel, and material handling needs. Whether you're looking for an industrial caster or a simple wheel, we've got you covered. From heavy-duty casters to light-duty casters, we've got what you need to get the job done. When it comes to casters, we here at Caster Central are the go-to people. WT Hight, a major distributor of material handling products since 1866, established Caster Central. Caster Central is your go-to source for casters, wheels, and material handling solutions since they have more than 150 years of experience.

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Location & Hours
42 Winter Street, Pembroke, Massachusetts 02359, United States, USA
Business Hours

Open 24

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