About the Business

Introducing our Silver Needle white tea, a pinnacle of elegance and refinement in the world of teas. Sourced from the pristine tea gardens of Fujian province, our Silver Needle tea is crafted from the finest, young, unopened buds of the tea plant. Each bud is carefully hand-picked during the early spring harvest, ensuring only the highest quality leaves are selected. Our meticulous production process involves gentle withering and drying, preserving the tea's natural purity and delicate flavor. The result is a tea that delights the senses with its subtle sweetness, nuanced notes of melon, and a fresh, floral aroma. The infusion is a pale, clear liquor that reflects its exceptional quality and purity. Beyond its exquisite taste, our Silver Needle white tea is also rich in antioxidants and low in caffeine, making it a perfect choice for those seeking both enjoyment and wellness. Address: Level 3/455 George St, Sydney NSW 2000, Australia

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Sydney, New South Wales, Australia

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