About the Business
Regain Your Active Lifestyle With Physical Therapy Services By Trained Physical Therapists In West Hartford, CT Have you found yourself unable or reluctant to do the activities you used to enjoy because of nagging persistent pain? To live our lives to the utmost, we all deserve to feel our best! Unlock your full potential with physical therapy services provided by certified physical therapists in West Hartford, CT, by trained and experienced physical therapists at Connecticut Physical Therapy Specialists. A physical therapist is a movement specialist. They are trained to evaluate mobility concerns with walking, running, jumping, bending, stretching, and practically any other form of physical exercise! We believe in helping you achieve maximum physical potential. For more information and an appointment, contact us at 860-325-7481 or visit our website:https://ctpts.com/
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342 N Main St Suite #150 West Hartford, CT 06117, USA