About the Business

Address: 4314 Main St. Unit #20 Whistler, BC V8E 1A8 Description: David Nagel is the lead agent at Angell Hasman& Associates (Whistler). Prior to Angell Hasman, David was the #1 Agent at Sutton West Coast Realty. A recipient of their highest sales honour (million-dollar award) and voted a Top 3 Realtor by the readers of the Pique Newsmagazine, Mr. Nagel's expertise and commitment to excellence are unmatched. With an in-depth understanding of the intricacies of the Whistler real estate market, he consistently delivers results for his clients. He possesses a remarkable talent for showcasing the finest properties, and his responsive and diligent approach ensures his clients' needs are always met. Whether you are looking to buy or sell in Whistler, David's unwavering determination, experience, and skills make him the ideal choice for discerning investors. Contact him today for a complimentary market evaluation, and allow him to turn your real estate aspirations into reality.

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Whistler, British Columbia, Canada

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Open 24

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