About the Business

Welcome to the world of fashion at Dress Me Up New York, where professionals fashionistas integrate an incredible collection of the chicest GLOBAL designers in the heart of the city. We have chosen specially for you various models of the trendiest minis and the most unique and exclusive bespoke dresses. Our only goal is for you to slip on in your best effortlessly. We made it easier than ever to find the perfect look with our incredible and simple website. Sign up for our emails and allow Dress Me Up New York to be your personal stylist. Let us elevate you stylishly with every ensemble.

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Location & Hours
New York City, New York, United States, USA
Business Hours

Monday to Thursday 10:30 - 6pm Friday 10:30 to 4:00 Pm Saturday closed Sunday 12:30 to 5 Pm

Open 24

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