About Edmonton Window Medics
About the Business
Do you have a foggy window? Moisture between the panes? Window Medics is your solution! How do foggy windows happen? Constant heating and cooling or ‘solar pumping’ causes moisture to become trapped between the panes. Manufacturers knew it would happen so they put a moisture-absorbing material in there but your foggy window means that the moisture absorbing material is fully saturated. Until now, your only options were to replace the window or live with it. Now, for up to 70% less than the cost of replacement, we can come and defog your window! Comes with a 20 year warranty. Call or text now for a free quote. 780-604-9575.
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Sherwood Park, Alberta T8A 0Y2, Canada
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Sherwood Park, Alberta T8A 0Y2, Canada
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