About the Business

ETB Autocentres in Winchester, conveniently situated on the Easton Lane Business Park. As Winchester's reputable tyre specialists, we take great pride in offering an extensive selection of premium tyres from renowned manufacturers across the globe. In addition to providing MOTs and car servicing, we cater to various vehicle types, including cars, vans, 4x4s, caravans, and hatchbacks. Our highly skilled tyre fitters are committed to delivering exceptional service and ensuring that you discover the perfect set of tyres tailored to your specific requirements. Address : Unit 1 Easton Lane Business Park Business Park, Easton Lane, Winchester, SO23 7RQ

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Location & Hours

SO23 7RQ, Winchester, Hampshire, England, United Kingdom, Great Britain (UK)

Business Hours

Mon - Fri: 8:00am - 5:30pm Sat: 8:00am - 2:00pm Sun: Closed

Open 24

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