About the Business

Imagine Laserworks are your experts in Edmonton to help you quit smoking and nicotine addiction with laser therapy in 1 hour with a success rates of 85%-94%! Our Certified Laser Technicians with 10 years experience can help you to quit smoking, quit vaping and quit nicotine addiction for life with laser and our proprietary 6 step program that has been proven successful with thousands of clients to become life long non-smokers. We use laser therapy and bio electrical stimulation so you are getting 2 treatments for the price of 1 to ensure your success in becoming a life long non-smoker! Address : 12222-137 Ave NW, #102A, Edmonton, Alberta, T5L 4Y4

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Location & Hours
T5L 4Y4, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
Business Hours

Monday - Friday: 8:30am - 8pm Saturday: 830am - 6pm Sunday: 11am - 3pm

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