About the Business

With a lifelong passion for bodywork, Dodson Morgenthaler integrates the art and science of massage to offer you excellent and effective care. He brings advanced training in myofascial release, trigger point therapy, Thai massage, and shiatsu to every session along with steady compassionate presence. Sometimes deep release takes deep pressure, but attunement always comes first. Together we’ll work not only to free your body from tension, pain, and stuckness, but also to balance and regulate your nervous system. From this state of deep relaxation, your body’s natural processes let healing flow with ease. Movement becomes fluid. At this tranquil home studio in North Portland, you can relax into an experience that’s thoroughly tailored to the needs of your body, returning refreshed to the rest of life.

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Location & Hours

1515 North Rosa Parks Way, Portland, Oregon 97217, United States, USA

Business Hours

Open 24

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