About the Business

SBFO started as a full-service consultancy in 2017, but faced challenges in 2020 due to the pandemic and the war between Ukraine and Russia, leading us to change our model to a virtual office. Over the last five years, we have had the opportunity to collaborate with clients of various stages, sizes, locations, and spaces. We have consistently found that clients' financial commitment is essential to successful outcomes. At SBFO Global, we facilitate any type of financing for almost any sector, and at our core, we are sector-agnostic. We are an international group of high-level, skilled, and experienced professionals in finance and operations who have supported, advised, and given hands-on help to hundreds of companies worldwide. We all have extensive and deep experience in doing business, so we decided to bundle our forces to deliver a complete service to our clients.

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Location & Hours

20-22 Wenlock Road, Hackney, London, N1 7TA, United Kingdom, Great Britain (UK)

Business Hours

Open 24

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