About the Business

A sprain refers to stretches or tears in theligaments – ankle sprains most commonly occur when the ligaments on the outsideof the ankle are injured. A fracture refers to a broken bone, which may occuras a result of trauma or as a result of repetitive motions, in which case it iscalled a “stress fracture.” Ankle sprains and stress fractures are commonespecially among athletes, and can often be treated conservatively if diagnoseearly. Kesler offers both surgical and non-surgical care options to patients inWayne as well as Pompton Lakes, Franklin Lakes, Oakland, NJ, Wyckoff, FairLawn, Midland Park, North Haledon, West Caldwell, and Paterson. It can be difficult to tell the differencebetween a sprained ankle and an ankle fracture based on symptoms alone. In bothcases you may have difficulty bearing weight, it will be tender to touch, andmay be swollen, bruised, or red. If multiple bones in the foot or ankle arebroken, you will likely lose stability in the ankle and not be able to walk.Howe

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601 Hamburg Turnpike #100,Wayne, NJ 07470, USA

Business Hours

Mon12:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Tue12:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Wed12:00 AM - 12:00 PM
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