About the Business

The AM-THAI is an American-Thai dining experience located in the Williamsburg, Brooklyn neighborhood. We offer authentic Thai food based on the recipe of Miss Boonnum’s grandmother. With 20 years of living in the US, Miss Boonnum has inspired American culture and integrated it into Thai food. “The AM-THAI” brings vivid flavors elegantly from the land of smiles, Thailand, known for its vibrant cuisine and colorful and unique dishes. Our commitment is to introduce the lively and ever-evolving Thai food culture and gastronomy to the vibrant tapestry of New York City, captivating the palates of the new generation. Address: 225 South 1st Street Brooklyn, NY 11211 Business Hours: Monday 12PM – 10:30 PM Tuesday 12PM – 10:30 PM Wednesday 12PM – 10:30 PM Thursday 12PM – 10:30 PM. (after hour 10:30 PM - 1 AM) Friday 12PM – 10:30 PM. (after hour 10:30 PM - 1 AM) Saturday 12PM – 10:30 PM. (after hour 10:30 PM - 1 AM) Sunday 12PM – 10:30 PM

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Location & Hours

Brooklyn, New York, United States, USA

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Open 24

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