About the Business

ThroughPut Inc. is the Artificial Intelligence (AI) Supply Chain pioneer that enables companies to increase output, quality and profitability through bottleneck elimination. ThroughPut's Supply Chain AI Product, ELI, includes the only Bottleneck Management System (BMS) that utilizes existing enterprise databases, such as ERP, MES, IMS, TMS, WMS, PLC, EAM, POS, CRM, SCADA and other data systems, to solve the bottleneck problem across global supply chains today. ThroughPut's systems are designed by Fortune 500 geo-market logistics leaders and Silicon Valley analytics and domain experts with decades of experience in the space. ELI thinks like an operations manager and automatically provides domain expertise, insights, and recommendations in real-time, which current static Business Intelligence and Analytics tools do not effectively capture. ThroughPut's dynamic insights include real-time resource allocation recommendations, granular root causes, and operational process stability analysis.

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