About the Business

Located in a fully renovated four-story, 32,000-square-foot building on the corner of Pitkin Avenue and Mother Gaston Boulevard in Brooklyn’s historic Brownsville section, Doral Health & Wellness offers a state-of-the-art facility for comprehensive medical care under one roof, including dialysis, multi-specialty medical services, infusion services, social adult day care, pharmaceutical services, ambulatory surgery, urgent medical care, and prevention and wellness programs. We use the latest check-in, chart management and on-line technologies to manage patient care efficiently, effectively and accurately. Our center’s calming colors, along with our majestic lobby and water feature, an aquarium, bird aviary in our sitting room, café and lounge, and exercise and yoga rooms, help reduce stress and promote wellness.

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Location & Hours

Queens, New York 11361, United States, USA

Business Hours

Open 24

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