About the Business

As a leading provider of NDA coaching in Chandigarh, Gurukul Career Group helps many people achieve their dreams of enrolling in the esteemed National Defence Academy. Gurukul Career Group has a track record of success and is now known for its rigorous supervision, high-caliber coaching, and steadfast dedication to the success of its students. The institute, which is centrally located in Chandigarh, offers a supportive learning atmosphere that develops character and intelligence, two qualities that are critical for doing well on the NDA exams. Gurukul Career Group provides extensive study materials, individualized attention, and strategic coaching approaches catered to the specific needs of aspirants. The organization is led by a group of seasoned mentors and subject matter experts. In addition to emphasizing academic excellence, the institute's all-encompassing approach fosters the discipline, self-assurance, and leadership skills necessary for a career in the military forces.

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Location & Hours
Chandigarh, Chandigarh, India
Business Hours

Sunday to Monday 7 am–10 pm

Open 24

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