About the Business

We are Hedfone Party – your premier destination for exceptional silent disco hire experiences across mainland UK. Based in Ashington, Northumberland, we specialise in top-notch headphone hire, silent discos, silent disco headsets, silent disco hire, silent disco headphone hire, silent disco kit hire, and silent headphones to elevate your events. Our dedication to delivering excellence knows no bounds, as we proudly offer our services nationwide. Wherever you are in mainland UK, our courier service ensures you have access to our state-of-the-art equipment. For enquiries or further information about our services, don't hesitate to reach out today. Address : Wansbeck Business Centre, Rotary Parkway, Ashington, Northumberland, North East England, NE63 8QZ

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Location & Hours

Ashington, Northumberland, England, United Kingdom, Great Britain (UK)

Business Hours

Open 24

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