About the Business

It All Starts Organically. Organic isn’t a trendy marketing word for us. It is the non-negotiable foundation for our business. By choosing to use organic cotton from our very first day. The world of conventional cotton farming is filled with shortcuts and exploitation, and it’s unforgivably dark stuff. In India, the average life expectancy of a cotton farmer is 35 years old, because of potent pesticides on the one hand, and supplier debt leading to preventable suicides on the other. We have committed to using organic cotton because it makes a better life for the people who grow it and because it makes a better product for the people who use it. It also saves 90% of the water used in conventional farming methods, and pays premiums to those who plant, ensuring that they remain debt-free. Conventionally grown cotton uses more insecticide than any other crop in the world. Pesticides and insecticides are distributed (with very little transparency) by major agribusiness firms and have a well

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