About the Business

In Gastonia, North Carolina, residents always turn to Mr. Electric of Gastonia for their electrical needs because they consistently exemplify what it means to be a trustworthy electrician contractor in the area. Not only do they provide efficient electrical repair services, but their team also excels in delivering customized lighting services designed to brighten up any space beautifully and effectively. With years of experience under their belt, Mr. Electric does more than fix problems—they prevent them by offering maintenance services aimed at keeping your system running smoothly year-round. Their approach involves using cutting-edge technology along with tried-and-true methods to ensure that every customer receives the best possible service without compromising on quality or safety standards. Address: 2020 Remount Rd Suite #E114, Gastonia, North Carolina, 28054 USA

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Gastonia, North Carolina, United States, USA

Business Hours

Open 24

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