About the Business

Address: MV Lifts, MV House, 14 Vickery Way, Beeston, Nottingham NG9 6RY United Kingdom. Morris Vermaport Limited has been involved in the design, installation, maintenance and modernisation of lifts and Vermaport cart conveyors in the UK since 1979. A professional and dedicated team of lift and cart conveyor experts offering Nationwide service. Whether you already operate passenger lifts or are thinking of installing a new platform and goods system, please talk to us. As a truly independent team of lift specialists, we are not tied to any single manufacturer, which means you can be sure we’ll recommend the very best solution, whatever your needs – new build or modernisation, goods or passenger lifts.

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Location & Hours

Beeston, Nottinghamshire, England, United Kingdom, Great Britain (UK)

Business Hours

Open 24

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