About the Business
Nestiee 專注於提供頂級純天然燕窩,秉持「無添加、無漂白」的純淨原則,並以創新理念提升燕窩的便捷性。我們的免泡燕窩系列,無需提前浸泡,僅需30分鐘即可輕鬆燉煮,既保留了傳統滋補的精髓,又滿足現代都市人對高效健康養生的需求。 我們的燕窩全部採自印尼,經空運新鮮直達香港,確保每一片都是大自然的珍稀饋贈,純淨無瑕。我們堅守不使用任何漂白劑,並由專業人士手工精選挑毛,確保每片燕窩都達到最高品質標準。 此外,我我更有提供傳統燕盞以及即食燕窩系到,當中創新隨心燉燕窩套裝,讓你無需傳統燉盅,即可輕鬆燉煮,隨時隨地在家享受皇室級的滋補體驗。 作為備受信賴的香港高端燕窩品牌,無論是日常自我養生還是高級禮品選擇,Nestiee 燕窩都是提升健康、煥發氣色的極致之選。 Nestiee is a premium Hong Kong brand known for curating the finest, purest bird’s nest products. We offer a range of traditional, modern soak-free, and instant edible bird’s nest options, with the soak-free variety ready in just 30 minutes. This selection caters to the refined tastes of contemporary consumers who demand convenience without sacrificing quality. Our bird’s nests are sourced from the pristine environments of Indonesia, the world’s leading producer. They are air-freighted directly to Hong Kong to maintain peak freshness and premium quality. Each nest is carefully hand-selected to ensure its natural integrity.
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Block B, Wah Tat Industrial Center, Kwai Chung, Hong Kong