About the Business

Shalom Mini Market is a Hispanic, family-owned and operated Mexican Dominican Bodega, and it provides people with all the products they may need, including fresh groceries and products like medicine, tools, school supplies, snacks, dairy, drinks, gluten-free products and meals, personal care products, and traditional Latin dishes and goodies for people to enjoy. You can find anything you are looking for, from hot Mexican food, like the most delicious Mexican-Dominican homemade empanadas in all of Philly (they don't call us "la casa de la empanada" for nothing, you know), to fresh sandwiches, hoagies, high-quality products, groceries, and snacks of all sorts. Stop by Shalom Mini Market and discover first-hand the treasures hidden inside!

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Location & Hours
274 West Duncannon Avenue, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19120, United States, USA
Business Hours

Monday to Friday 7:30am - 7pm. Saturday 8:30am - 6pm. Sunday closed

Open 24

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