About the Business

Welcome to Women Adventures, a trekking agency in Nepal specifically tailored for women and led by women. Our mission is to provide female adventure enthusiasts with the opportunity to experience the majestic Himalayas and the natural beauty of Nepal while actively promoting women's empowerment and leadership at every stage of the journey. We are dedicated to offering exclusive services to women travelers, ensuring that you feel independent, safe, and comfortable as you embark on your journey to conquer mountain heights and explore the hills. Our primary focus is to provide high-quality trekking experiences that allow you to witness the breathtaking natural landscapes and immerse yourself in the cultural richness of Nepal. At Women Adventures, we believe in creating a supportive environment where women can thrive, surrounded by fellow female travelers, guides, porters, and staff. By joining us, you not only embark on an adventure of self-discovery but also contribute to empowering

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Location & Hours
Thamel, Kathmandu, Kathmandu, Bagmati Province, Nepal
Business Hours

Open 24

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